Reconsideration of Materials Policy

Last Updated Date

In order to represent the diversity of thought within the North Kansas City community, it is very important that the Public Library's collection contain materials representing differing points of view on public issues of a controversial nature. The North Kansas City Public Library has a responsibility to serve whole community—the minority as well as the majority. That responsibility includes providing information that some customers may find offensive and/or controversial.

Customers, at any time, are invited to give their comments and criticism of the collection, parts of the collection or individual items. However, the Library Board believes that no citizen in a democracy has a right to prevent another from reading/viewing/listening a specific work or using specific materials by demanding the removal of such from the Library collection. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents. Library items will not be sequestered except for the purpose of protecting them from theft, damage or to allow for staff use. With respect to the use of library materials by children, the decision as to what a minor may read, hear or view is the responsibility of his or her parent or guardian. Selection will not be inhibited by the possibility that controversial materials may come into the hands of children. Persons are welcome to meet with the Director or attend Library Board meetings to discuss this policy, the Library collection as a whole, and individual items in the collection.

The North Kansas City Public Library subscribes to the principles embodied in the following statements of the American Library Association, copies of which are appended to and made an integral part of this policy; Library Bill Of Rights. Freedom To Read and Freedom To View. 

Reconsideration Procedure:

As stated above, the North Kansas City Public Library staff and Library Board of Trustees support intellectual freedom and subscribe to the principles of the American Library Association's Library Bill Of Rights and its statements on Freedom To Read and Freedom To View. The Library staff through selection makes every effort to provide materials that reflect the diversity of viewpoints within the community.

When a customer makes a request for reconsideration, this procedure is followed:

  1. A member of the Library staff explains the reconsideration policy to the customer. The customer, after discussion, may then submit a written Request for Reconsideration form to the Library Director. The Library will keep on hand and make available Reconsideration Requests forms at the main circulation desks and online. All formal objections to materials must be made on this form and signed by the requester.
  2. The completed form is reviewed by a staff committee established by the Library Director. Staff reviews the resource in question to ascertain that it was selected based on selection criteria guidelines. The Library Director shall make a written response to the requester within twenty-one (21) days of the date that the reconsideration form was submitted. The written response will be sent certified mail. The Library Director shall also notify the Library Board of Trustees of each Request for Reconsideration.
  3. Should the requester wish to appeal this decision, s/he may make a final appeal in writing, within five (5) working days upon receipt of the decision, directly to the Library Board of Trustees. Such appeal shall not exceed two pages. The appeal should also include copies of the original Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form and the committee’s written recommendation provided to the committee by the Library Director. A committee of three (3) Library Board 3 members shall review the decision and make a recommendation to the Library Board at large. In addition, the Library Board may, at its discretion, appoint an independent advisory panel to review the submission and to make a recommendation to the Board. The Board of Trustees shall then make the final determination of the matter, notifying the requester in writing of this action, in a timely manner. The Board’s decision will be final. 

Download Request for Reconsideration Form