The public is welcome to attend the Library Board meeting at any time, except when the Board is in executive session, as defined by law. Any visitor who wishes to address the Board is to notify the Library Director seven (7) days before the scheduled meeting and provide their name, address and topic on which they wish to speak. Only visitors who are residents of the taxing district of the library are allowed to address the board.
Remarks by visitors are limited to five (5) minutes in length, not including questions from the Board. Individuals may not transfer their time to others. The total amount of public comments time must be limited to 15 minutes. The Board of Trustees request that concerns initially be addressed at the appropriate action level before coming to the Board. Board members are not obligated to respond to comments from the public. All visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the orderly completion of the meeting. Exceptions to these rules may be made at the discretion of the presiding officer. Visitors who cause a disturbance may be asked to leave the meeting. Minutes are a summary of the Board's discussion and actions. Speaker requests to append written statements or correspondence to the minutes will not be honored; written materials presented to the Board will be included in the Library's files rather than the minutes.
Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Lori Mangan, Library Director, 2251 Howell St., North Kansas City, MO 64116 or by phone: 816-221-3360.